Hushar Mulga
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Que:- Reorganize the following food chain. Describe the ecosystem to which it belongs. Grasshopper – Snake – Paddy field – Eagle – Frog

Answer:– The food chain you have provided is: Grasshopper – Snake – Paddy field – Eagle – Frog

This food chain belongs to a terrestrial ecosystem, specifically one that includes a rice paddy field.

The correct order of the food chain would be:

  1. Paddy field (Producer)
  2. Grasshopper (Primary consumer)
  3. Frog (Secondary consumer)
  4. Snake (Tertiary consumer)
  5. Eagle (Quaternary consumer)

In this food chain, the paddy field serves as the producer, as it is responsible for creating the energy that supports the rest of the organisms in the chain. The grasshopper, which feeds on the paddy field, is the primary consumer. The frog, which feeds on the grasshopper, is the secondary consumer. The snake, which feeds on the frog, is the tertiary consumer. And finally, the eagle, which feeds on the snake, is the quaternary consumer.

This is a classic example of a terrestrial food chain in a agro-ecosystem. The food chain is a simple way of showing how organisms are dependent on each other for survival. The paddy field is the base of the food chain and all other organisms are dependent on it. Each organism is an important link in the food chain, and the loss of one organism can affect the entire ecosystem.

2. Explain the statement- ‘we have got this  Earth planet on lease from our future generations and not as an ancestral property from our ancestors.

Answer:- The statement “we have got this Earth planet on lease from our future generations and not as an ancestral property from our ancestors” is a reminder that we are stewards of the planet, responsible for preserving its resources and maintaining its ecosystems for future generations. It suggests that we do not have the right to exploit or deplete the Earth’s resources without considering the impact on future generations.

The idea is that we have only borrowed the planet from future generations and are accountable to them for its preservation. We have been given the opportunity to use the resources of the planet, but we must do so responsibly and sustainably so that future generations can also benefit from them.

This statement also implies that we should not think of the earth as an inheritance from our ancestors, but as a loan from future generations. We must act as good stewards of the planet, making sure that we leave it in better condition than we found it. We must take steps to preserve its resources, protect its ecosystems, and reduce pollution and waste.

In conclusion, the statement is a reminder of our responsibility to take care of the planet for the benefit of future generations, rather than treating it as our own property to exploit at will. It is a call to action to live sustainably, conserve resources and protect the environment.

3. Write short notes.

a. Environmental Conservation.

Answer:_ Environmental Conservation: Environmental conservation is the practice of protecting and preserving the natural environment for future generations. This includes protecting natural resources such as forests, water, and air, as well as preserving biodiversity and reducing pollution. This can be achieved through various means such as conservation laws, protected areas, and sustainable development practices. 

b. Chipko Movement of Bishnoi.

Answer:- Chipko Movement of Bishnoi: The Chipko Movement of Bishnoi, also known as the Chipko Andolan, is a social and environmental movement that originated in the Indian state of Rajasthan in the 1970s. The movement was led by the Bishnoi community who, in an effort to protect their local forests and wildlife, hugged trees to prevent them from being cut down. This nonviolent movement helped lead to the conservation of forests and wildlife in the region, as well as raising awareness about the importance of environmental conservation. 

c. Biodiversity.

Answer:-  Biodiversity: Biodiversity refers to the variety of life on Earth, including the diversity of species, ecosystems, and genetic variation. Biodiversity is important because it helps to maintain the balance of the Earth’s ecosystems, provides a wide range of resources for human use, and helps to ensure the survival of many species. The loss of biodiversity is a major concern and is caused by a variety of factors including habitat destruction, pollution, and climate change. 

d. Sacred Groves.

Answer:- Sacred Groves: Sacred groves are small patches of forests that are protected and considered sacred by local communities. These areas are usually protected by traditional or religious customs and are not allowed to be used for commercial or agricultural purposes. Sacred groves are considered to be important for maintaining biodiversity and preserving cultural heritage. 

e. Disaster and its management.

Answer:-  Disaster and its management: Disaster refers to an event that causes widespread harm to people, property, and the environment. Natural disasters such as hurricanes, earthquakes, and floods can cause significant damage and loss of life. Disaster management is the process of preparing for, responding to, and recovering from a disaster. This includes measures such as emergency planning, risk assessment, and public education, as well as providing aid and assistance to those affected by the disaster. Effective disaster management is crucial for minimizing the impact of disasters on communities and reducing the risk of loss of life. 

4. How will you justify that overcoming the pollution is a powerful way of environmental management?

Answer:-  Overcoming pollution is a powerful way of environmental management because pollution has a wide-ranging and detrimental impact on both the natural environment and human health. Air and water pollution can harm human health by causing respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and developmental disorders.

Additionally, pollution can harm ecosystems and wildlife by contaminating soil and water, reducing biodiversity, and altering the balance of ecosystems. By addressing and reducing pollution, we can help to preserve the natural environment and protect the health and well-being of both humans and wildlife.

Furthermore, reducing pollution can also have economic benefits, such as reducing healthcare costs and improving agricultural productivity. Additionally, transitioning to clean energy sources, and promoting sustainable transportation can also contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, which play a major role in the climate change.

In summary, overcoming pollution is a powerful way of environmental management because it helps to protect human health, preserve the natural environment, and promote sustainable economic development. By reducing pollution, we can help to ensure a cleaner and healthier future for ourselves and for future generations.

5. Which projects will you run in relation to environmental conservation? How? 

Answer:-  There are many different projects that can be run in relation to environmental conservation, depending on the specific goals and resources available. Some examples of environmental conservation projects that could be implemented include:

  1. Habitat restoration: This project involves working to restore and protect important habitats, such as wetlands, forests, and grasslands, that are critical for the survival of many plant and animal species. This can be done through a variety of methods, such as removing invasive species, planting native trees and shrubs, and creating new wetlands or streams.
  2. Biodiversity conservation: This project aims to protect and conserve the diverse array of plant and animal species that inhabit a particular area. This can be done by creating protected areas, such as national parks or wildlife reserves, and by implementing conservation programs for specific species.
  3. Climate change mitigation: This project aims to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere in order to slow the pace of climate change. This can be done by promoting clean energy, such as wind and solar power, and by promoting energy efficiency.
  4. Clean-up campaigns: Regular clean-up campaigns can be organized to remove litter, trash and other pollutants from rivers, lakes, beaches and public spaces, this not only helps in removing pollutants and conserving the natural beauty of a place but also raises awareness among the community.
  5. Afforestation: Afforestation is an important project that can help in environmental conservation by planting trees in areas where they have been removed. This can help to reduce soil erosion, improve air quality, and provide habitat for wildlife.

These projects can be implemented through various methods like fundraising, government funding, partnerships with private organizations and community engagement. It’s important to involve the local community in these projects, as they can provide valuable support and insight, and can also benefit from the conservation efforts. Community education and awareness campaigns are also important tools to sustain the conservation efforts and make the community more responsible.

6. Answer the following.

a. Write the factors affecting environment


There are many factors that can affect the environment, including both natural and human-caused factors. Some of the major factors affecting the environment include:

  1. Climate change: Climate change is one of the biggest environmental challenges facing the world today. Rising temperatures and changing weather patterns can have a wide range of impacts on the environment, including increased frequency and severity of natural disasters, changes in the distribution of plant and animal species, and increased risk of extinction.
  2. Pollution: Pollution is another major environmental problem that affects the air, water, and land. Pollution can be caused by human activities such as industrial processes, transportation, and waste disposal, and can have serious impacts on human health and the environment.
  3. Habitat destruction: Human activities such as logging, mining, and urbanization can destroy natural habitats and displace plant and animal species. Habitat destruction can also occur when wetlands, forests, and other important ecosystems are converted to other uses.
  4. Overconsumption: The overconsumption of resources such as water, energy and materials, can lead to the depletion of natural resources and environmental degradation.
  5. Overexploitation: Overfishing, over-hunting, over-logging and over-extraction of natural resources lead to environmental degradation.
  6. Invasive species: The introduction of non-native species to an ecosystem can have a profound impact on the environment, as they can outcompete native species, spread diseases, and disrupt the balance of the ecosystem.
  7. Natural disasters: Natural disasters such as hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, and wildfires can have a devastating impact on the environment, destroying habitats and communities, and releasing pollutants into the air and water.
  8. Demographic changes: Population growth and urbanization can lead to increased demand for land and resources, which in turn can lead to environmental degradation.
  9. Social and economic factors: Socio-economic factors like poverty, income inequality, and lack of access to education and resources can exacerbate environmental problems, as they can limit people’s ability to access and use resources sustainably.
  10. Political and governance issues: Poor governance, lack of regulations, and weak enforcement of laws can lead to environmental degradation and lack of accountability for environmental damage.

b. Why does the human beings have important place in environment?

Answer:-  Humans have an important place in the environment because we have the ability to shape and impact our surroundings in ways that other species do not. Humans have developed advanced technologies and systems for food production, transportation, energy generation, and waste management, which have allowed us to thrive and expand our populations in virtually every part of the world. However, our impact on the environment is not always positive. We have the ability to cause significant environmental damage, including pollution, habitat destruction, and climate change. This is why it is important for humans to take a responsible and sustainable approach to our relationship with the environment, taking steps to protect and preserve it for future generations.

Humans also play a key role in preserving biodiversity, as we have the ability to protect and conserve endangered species and their habitats. We also have the ability to create and manage protected areas such as national parks and wildlife preserves. Additionally, human understanding of the environment through scientific research and monitoring, allows us to make informed decisions about how to best manage and protect natural resources.

In summary, humans have an important place in the environment because of our ability to shape and impact our surroundings, both positively and negatively, and our responsibility to take a sustainable approach to managing and preserving it for future generations.

c. Write the types and examples of biodiversity.

Answer:_ There are three main types of biodiversity:

  1. Genetic diversity: the variety of genes within a species or population. For example, the different variations of eye color within a human population.
  2. Species diversity: the variety of different species in a ecosystem or region. For example, the different types of plants and animals found in a tropical rainforest.
  3. Ecosystem diversity: the variety of different ecosystems within a region or on Earth. For example, the different types of habitats found in a desert (such as cacti, sand dunes, and rock formations) or the different types of biomes found on Earth (such as tundra, grassland, and coral reef).

d. How the biodiversity can be conserved?

Answer:- here are several ways to conserve biodiversity, some examples include:

  1. Habitat protection: This includes setting aside land and marine areas as protected areas, such as national parks and wildlife reserves. This helps to preserve the natural habitats of many species.
  2. Sustainable use: This involves using natural resources in a way that does not deplete them, for example, sustainable fishing practices, ecotourism and conservation agriculture.
  3. Restoration: This involves actively working to restore degraded habitats and ecosystems, for example, by planting native species, removing invasive species, and controlling pollution.
  4. Climate change mitigation and Adaptation : This involves taking actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and prepare for the impacts of climate change that are already happening.
  5. Biodiversity education and awareness: This involves educating people about the importance of biodiversity, raising awareness about the issues facing biodiversity, and encouraging individuals and communities to take action to conserve biodiversity.
  6. Involvement of local communities: This means involving local communities in conservation efforts and making sure that their rights and livelihoods are respected.
  7. International cooperation: This involves working with other countries and international organizations to address common conservation challenges and to share knowledge and resources.
  8. Biodiversity monitoring and research: This involves monitoring the status of biodiversity, identifying threats, and researching ways to conserve and restore biodiversity.

Regenerate response

e. What do we learn from the story of Jadav Molai Peyang?

Answer:_  Jadav Molai Peyang is an Indian environmental activist and forest conservationist, who is known for his efforts to create a forest in a desert area in the state of Assam, India. He is also known as the “Forest Man of India”.

From Jadav Molai Peyang story we can learn several things:

  1. Determination and perseverance: Jadav Molai Peyang’s story highlights his determination and perseverance in the face of adversity. Despite the many challenges he faced, he continued to work tirelessly to create a forest in a desert area.
  2. The power of one person’s actions: Jadav Molai Peyang’s story shows that one person can make a significant difference in the world. His actions have not only helped to create a new forest but also helped to improve the lives of the local people.
  3. The importance of conservation: Jadav Molai Peyang’s story illustrates the importance of conservation and the need to protect and preserve our natural resources for future generations.
  4. The importance of community engagement: Jadav Molai Peyang’s story shows how involving local communities in conservation efforts can be an effective way to achieve conservation goals.
  5. The importance of education and awareness: Jadav Molai Peyang’s story emphasizes the importance of educating people about the importance of conservation, raising awareness about the issues facing our natural resources and encouraging individuals and communities to take action to conserve them.

f. Write the names of biodiversity hot spots.

Answer:- Biodiversity hotspots are areas on Earth that have a high level of biodiversity, but also face a high level of threats from human activities. Some examples of biodiversity hotspots include:

  1. The Amazon Rainforest: This region is home to a wide variety of plant and animal species, including many that are found nowhere else on Earth.
  2. The Coral Triangle: This region, which includes parts of Indonesia, the Philippines, and Malaysia, is home to an incredibly diverse array of marine life, including thousands of species of fish and coral.
  3. The Eastern Afromontane: This region, which includes parts of Ethiopia, Kenya, and Tanzania, is home to a wide variety of plant and animal species, including many that are found nowhere else on Earth.
  4. The Western Ghats and Sri Lanka: This region, which includes parts of India and Sri Lanka, is home to a wide variety of plant and animal species, including many that are found nowhere else on Earth.
  5. The California Floristic Province: This region which includes parts of California and Baja California, is home to a wide variety of plant species, many of which are found nowhere else on Earth.
  6. The Mediterranean Basin: This region which includes parts of Europe, Africa and Asia, is home to a wide variety of plant and animal species, many of which are found nowhere else on Earth.
  7. The Atlantic Forest: This region which includes parts of Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina and Uruguay, is home to a wide variety of plant and animal species, many of which are found nowhere else on Earth.
  8. The Sundaland: This region which includes parts of Indonesia, Malaysia and Philippines, is home to a wide variety of plant and animal species, many of which are found nowhere else on Earth.

These are just a few examples of biodiversity hotspots around the world, many other regions also have unique and diverse ecosystems that need to be protected.

f. Which are the reasons for endangering the many species of plants and animals? How can we save those?

Answer:-  There are several reasons why many species of plants and animals are endangered, some of the main causes include:

  1. Habitat loss: One of the main reasons for species endangerment is the loss of natural habitats due to human activities such as urbanization, agriculture, and resource extraction.
  2. Climate change: Climate change is causing changes in temperature and precipitation patterns, as well as sea level rise, which can make it difficult for many species to survive.
  3. Pollution: Air, water and soil pollution can have a negative impact on many species, making it difficult for them to survive and reproduce.
  4. Overhunting and overfishing: Many species are endangered due to overhunting and overfishing, as well as the destruction of their habitats by fishing gear.
  5. Invasive species: Many species are endangered due to the introduction of invasive species that compete with native species for resources and can also prey on native species.
  6. Disease: Many species are endangered due to diseases that can spread quickly and have devastating effects.

To save endangered species, a combination of actions needs to be taken including:

  1. Habitat protection: This includes setting aside land and marine areas as protected areas, such as national parks and wildlife reserves. This helps to preserve the natural habitats of many species.
  2. Sustainable use: This involves using natural resources in a way that does not deplete them, for example, sustainable fishing practices, ecotourism and conservation agriculture.
  3. Restoration: This involves actively working to restore degraded habitats and ecosystems, for example, by planting native species, removing invasive species, and controlling pollution.
  4. Climate change mitigation and Adaptation : This involves taking actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and prepare for the impacts of climate change that are already happening.
  5. Biodiversity education and awareness: This involves educating people about the importance of biodiversity, raising awareness about the issues facing biodiversity, and encouraging individuals and communities to take action to conserve biodiversity.
  6. Involvement of local communities: This means involving local communities in conservation efforts and making sure that their rights and livelihoods are respected.
  7. International cooperation: This involves working with other countries and international organizations to address common conservation challenges and to share knowledge and resources.
  8. Biodiversity monitoring and research: This involves monitoring the status of biodiversity, identifying threats, and researching ways to conserve and restore biodiversity.

7. What are the meanings of following symbols? Write your role accordingly?

recycle symbol
water conservation symbol
solar panel symbol

Symbol 1 represents recycle. 

The recycling symbol is often found on packaging for various food products. Recycling is the process of taking materials that have been thrown away and repurposing them to create the same or new products. This is an important way to conserve the environment. For example, recycling paper helps save trees from being cut down and also prevents water pollution by reducing the release of chemicals used in paper production into rivers and lakes. 

Symbol 2 represents water conservation. 

Water conservation is the practice of preserving and managing water resources through different techniques, such as capturing and storing rainwater. It is crucial for maintaining a healthy water cycle, ensuring reliable rainfall, and keeping freshwater sources available. It is also vital for ensuring food production and supporting various forms of life. There are various ways to conserve water, one of the most effective methods is rainwater harvesting which involves collecting and saving rainwater for future use. Another way is to be mindful of our daily water usage and make sure that we are not wasting water, and using irrigation techniques like drip irrigation can also help in water conservation. 

Symbol 3 represent  solar pannels. 

Solar power is obtained by using solar cells that convert the sun’s thermal energy into electricity. Several solar cells are connected together to form a solar panel. These panels are utilized to turn the sun’s heat into electricity. There are multiple reasons why solar energy is becoming increasingly popular compared to other forms of energy. One reason is that countries like India receive an abundance of sunlight throughout the year, with many sunny days in various regions. Additionally, solar energy requires less investment in infrastructure compared to other forms of energy. It can also be used for rural electrification and irrigation through solar-powered water pumping systems. Additionally, it reduces dependence on fossil fuels, which helps to conserve the environment.