Hushar Mulga
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Textbook Solution

  1. Tell the odd one out. Give proper explanation

Q.1: Identify the odd one out in the following:

a) Fuse wire, bad conductor, rubber gloves, generator

Answer: a) Odd one: Bad conductor Explanation: The other items listed (fuse wire, rubber gloves, and generator) all relate to electricity and electric current. A fuse wire stops the flow of electricity if it becomes too strong, rubber gloves protect from electric shocks, and a generator converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. However, a bad conductor does not have a relation to electric current.

b) Voltmeter, Ammeter, galvanometer, thermometer

b) Odd one: Thermometer Explanation: Thermometer measures heat, while the other items listed (voltmeter, ammeter, and galvanometer) measure electric current, potential difference, and small amounts of current respectively in an electrical circuit.

c) Loud speaker, microphone, electric motor, magnet

c) Odd one: Magnet Explanation: The other items listed (loud speaker, microphone, and electric motor) all work on the principles of electrical current, while a magnet has magnetic properties and attracts magnetic substances but has no relation to electrical current.

  1. Explain the construction and working of the following. Draw a neat diagram and label it.

a. Electric motor

Neat lable diagram of electric motor

b . Electric Generator (AC)

principle construction working of electric generator

The AC Electric Generator transforms mechanical energy into electrical energy.

Principal :-

It operates based on the principle of electromagnetic induction, where a rotating coil in a magnetic field produces an induced current, the direction of which is determined by Fleming’s right hand rule.


The generator consists of a coil, two slip rings (R1 and R2), brushes (B1 and B2), and a horseshoe-shaped electromagnet. The coil is situated between the poles of the electromagnet, and the brushes are connected to a galvanometer that displays the direction of current in the circuit.


As the coil rotates, arm AB moves up and arm CD moves down, causing the coil to rotate in a clockwise direction. The induced current is produced in the direction ABCD. The current flows from brush B2 to B1. After half a rotation, AB is in the place of CD and vice versa, causing the induced current to flow from DCBA. The current then flows from brush B1 to B2. This cycle repeats with every half rotation, reversing the current flow direction, producing an alternating current.

  1. Electromagnetic induction means

a. Charging of an electric conductor.
b. Production of magnetic field due to a current flowing through a coil.
c. Generation of a current in a coil due to relative motion between the coil and the magnet.
d. Motion of the coil around the axle in an electric motor.

Answer:– C The phenomenon of electromagnetic induction, discovered by Michael Faraday, occurs when there is relative movement between a coil and a magnet, causing a change in magnetic field lines, which in turn induces a current in the coil.

  1. Explain the difference :
    AC generator and DC generator.


AC and DC generators are devices that convert mechanical energy into electrical energy. The main differences between them are:

  1. Type of Output: A DC generator produces direct current, while an AC generator produces alternating current.
  2. Method of Generation: In a DC generator, the voltage is generated through commutation, while in an AC generator, the voltage is generated through electromagnetic induction.
  3. Complexity: AC generators are generally more complex than DC generators, due to the need for the components to handle alternating current.
  4. Cost: Due to their complexity, AC generators are generally more expensive than DC generators.
  5. Distribution: Alternating current is more suitable for long distance power transmission, as it can be easily transformed to high or low voltage levels, while direct current requires intermediate conversion steps.
  6. Efficiency: AC generators tend to be more efficient than DC generators, as they have fewer moving parts.
  7. Application: DC generators are commonly used for industrial purposes, such as welding, while AC generators are used for producing electricity for homes and commercial buildings.
  1. Which device is used to produce electricity? Describe with a neat diagram.
    a. Electric motor
    b. Galvanometer
    c. Electric Generator (DC)
    d. Voltmeter

Answer:- C Electric Generator (DC)

Electric Generator
  1. How does the short circuit form? What is its effect?


7 Give Scientific reasons.

Que:- Tungsten metal is used to make a solenoid type coil in an electric bulb.


B. In the electric equipment producing heat e.g. iron, electric heater, boiler, toaster etc, an alloy such as Nichrome is used, not pure metals.


C For electric power transmission, copper or aluminum wire is used.


D In practice, the unit kWh is used for the measurement of electrical energy, rather than joule.


  1. Which of the statement given below correctly describes the magnetic field near a long, straight current carrying conductor?

a. The magnetic lines of force are in a plane, perpendicular to the conductor in the form of straight lines.
b. The magnetic lines of force are parallel to the conductor on all the sides of conductor.
c. The magnetic lines of force are perpendicular to the conductor going radially outward.
d. The magnetic lines of force are in concentric circles with the wire as the center, in a plane perpendicular to the conductor.

Answer:_ d

The magnetic lines of force are in concentric circles with the wire as the center, in a plane perpendicular to the conductor.

Magnetic field produced around the conductor
  1. What is a solenoid? Compare the magnetic field produced by a solenoid with the magnetic field of a bar magnet. Draw neat figures and name various components

Answer:_ A solenoid is a coil of many circular turns of insulated copper wire wrapped closely in the shape of a cylinder.


  1. Both a solenoid and a bar magnet produce a magnetic field with similar properties.
  2. The magnetic field lines of both are closed continuous curves.
  3. Both have magnetic fields that emerge from a North pole and end at a South pole.
  4. Neither have magnetic field lines that intersect.
  5. Both attract magnetic materials.


  1. The magnetic field strength produced by a solenoid can be increased by adjusting the current, which is not possible for a bar magnet.
  2. The direction of the magnetic field produced by a solenoid can be changed by reversing the current, but this is not possible for a bar magnet.

Q. 10. Name the following diagrams and explain the concept behind them.

Q. 11. Identify the figures and explain their use.

Cartridge type fuse:

Cartridge type fuse:

Miniature Circuit Breaker (MCB)

Miniature Circuit Breaker (MCB):

Electric Motor

Electric Motor:

12 Solve the following example

a. Heat energy is being produced in a resistance in a circuit at the rate of 100 W. The current of 3 A is flowing in the circuit. What must be the value of the resistance?(Ans : 11 W)

Power, P =100 W
Current, I = 3 A
Resistance, R = ?
We know, P = I2R

\[\Rightarrow R = \frac{P}{I^2} = \frac{100}{9} \simeq 11 \Omega\] 

b. Two tungsten bulbs of wattage 100 W and 60 W power work on 220 V potential difference. If they are connected in parallel, how much current will flow in the main conductor?
(Ans : 0.72A)

 Power of first bulb, P1 = 100 W
Power of second bulb, P2 = 60 W
Resistance of first bulb,  `R_1 = (V^2)/(P_1)=(220xx220)/100 = 484 Ω`

Resistance of second bulb, \[R_2 = \frac{V^2}{P_2} = \frac{220 \times 220}{60} = 806 . 7 \Omega\]

When the bulbs are connected in parallel, their equivalent  resistance is

\[R_{eq} = \frac{R_1 \times R_2}{R_1 + R_2} = \frac{484 \times 806 . 7}{484 + 806 . 7} = 302 . 5 \Omega\]
\[I = \frac{V}{R_{eq}} = \frac{220}{302 . 5} = 0 . 72 A\]

c. Who will spend more electrical energy? 500 W TV Set in 30 mins, or 600 W heater in 20 mins?
(Ans : TV Set)

For T.V. set: Power = 500 W,

Time = 30 min = 30 × 60 s

∴ Energy = Power × time

E1 = 500 × 30 × 60 = 900 × 103 J

For Heater: Power = 600 W,

Time = 20 min = 20 × 60 s

∴ Energy (E2) = 600 × 20 × 60

= 720 × 103 J

Comparing E1 and E2, E1 > E2

∴ Energy spent by T.V. set (E1) is greater.

The energy consumed by T.V. set is more than that consumed by heater.

d. An electric iron of 1100 W is operated for 2 hrs daily. What will be the electrical consumption
expenses for that in the month of April? (The electric company charges Rs 5 per unit of energy).
(Ans : Rs 330)


Electric energy consumed by iron in 7200 s is

\[E = 1100 \times 7200 = 7920000 J\]
Thus, total energy consumed in the month of April,
\[E’ = E \times 30 = 7920000 \times 30 = 237600000 J\]
We know,
1 unit =\[ 3 . 6 \times {10}^6 J\]
or, \[1 J = \frac{1}{3 . 6 \times {10}^6} \] unit
\[237600000 J = \frac{237600000}{3 . 6 \times 1000000} = 66\] units
Cost of 1 unit of energy = Rs 5 
Thus, total electrical consumption expenses for the month of April = 66 X 5 = Rs 330