Hushar Mulga
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Q.1 Name the following.

Name the type of disaster.

Disaster  Type

Tsunami, volcanic eruption, earthquake ______

cyclone, snow storms, droughts, floods ______

Forest fire, weed, fungal disease spreading ______

Communicable virus, bacteria, bite of poisonous animal ______

Poisonous gases, atomic test, unplanned action, accident ______

Answer:_ Disaster  Type

Tsunami, volcanic eruption, earthquake Geophysical :   Geological

cyclone, snow storms, droughts, floods Geophysical :  Atmospheric

Forest fire, weed, fungal disease spreading Biological :   Plant

Communicable virus, bacteria, bite of poisonous animal Biological :  Animal

Poisonous gases, atomic test, unplanned action, accident man – made – unknown

1. Complete the table.

(Motor accident, land sliding, forest fire, theft, riot, war, epidemic, drought, locust attack, financial crisis, flood, famine)

2. Write notes.

a. Disaster management Authority

Answer:- Disaster Management Authority’s responsibilities:

  • Develop policies, plans, and guidelines for disaster management
  • Ensure timely and effective response to disasters
  • Established at the government level
  • Control and coordination functions at the national to village level
  • Implemented under the Disaster Management Act 2005.

b. Nature of disaster management

Answer:_  Disaster management is a strategy to respond to a disaster and save lives.

  1. Divided into two parts: pre-disaster management and post-disaster management.

Pre-disaster management:

i. Identifying pro-disaster areas

ii. Collecting information using hazard maps and intensity maps

iii. Training for disaster management

iv. Spreading awareness among people

Post-disaster management:

i. Providing help to victims with local participation

ii. Establishment of help centers

iii. Categorization and efficient distribution of help materials to affected people.

c. Mock drill

  1. Mock drills are practice exercises that test a community’s preparedness for a disaster. 
  2. They simulate a real-life emergency scenario to assess response time and effectiveness of response measures.
  3.  These drills are conducted in places like schools, offices, public spaces, etc. to prepare for emergencies like fires or terrorist attacks. 

d. Disaster Management Act, 2005

  • Disaster Management Act, 2005 passed by Rajya Sabha on 28 Nov and Lok Sabha on 12 Dec 2005.
  • Approved by President of India on 9 Jan 2006.
  • 11 chapters and 79 sections, extends to all of India.
  • Calls for formation of National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) with PM as chair.
  • Central gov’t encouraged to form National Executive Committee (NEC) to assist NDMA.
  • All State Governments mandated to establish State Disaster Management Authority (SDMA).
  • Calls for establishment of National Institute of Disaster Management.

3. Answer the following questions.

a. Explain the role of district disaster control unit after occurrence of any disaster.

Answer:- District Control Unit is established following a disaster or upon notification of an imminent disaster.

  • The unit assesses various aspects of the disaster and maintains communication with various agencies such as the military, air force, navy, telecommunications department, paramilitary forces, etc. for assistance.
  • The unit also coordinates with various volunteer organizations to secure their support in disaster management.

b. Give the reasons for increase in human disasters after the World War-II.


  • Advancement in technology after WWII has led to an increase in human disasters
  • Nuclear energy field has led to setting up of nuclear power plants, which affects the environment and living beings through radiation
  • Oil factories near seas affect aquatic life
  • Increase in number of motor vehicles has led to more frequent motor accidents
  • Other reasons for increasing human disasters include oil spills, nuclear meltdowns, terrorism, and biological warfare.

c. Which are the objectives of disaster management?


  1. Preventing losses and dangers
  2. Preparing for actions to be taken at the time of disaster
  3. Assessing the damage caused
  4. Rehabilitation and rebuilding the affected area
  5. Improving  tolerance
  6. Providing relief to the affected people
  7. Arrangement of rescue for the affected

d. Why is it essential to get the training of first aid?

Answer:- The benefits of having first aid training include:

  1. Using appropriate methods to save lives during emergencies.
  2. Providing primary help and medication to victims before medical professionals arrive.
  3. Preventing further damage to the victim.
  4. Staying calm and relaxed during critical situations.
  5. Offering comfort and care to the victim.

e. Which different methods are used for transportation of patients? Why?

Answer:-   Emergency patient transportation methods vary based on patient condition

  • Cradle method: for children and underweight victims
  • Carrying piggy back: for unconscious patients
  • Carrying on two hands chair: for patients who cannot use hands but can hold their body upright
  • Pulling or lifting method: for short distance transport of unconscious patients
  • Carrying on four-hand chair: for support below waist.

5. Write down the reasons, effects and remedial measures taken for any two disasters experienced by you.

Answer:_ Two disasters experienced are:

  1. Motor accident:
  • Causes: Rash driving and neglect of safety rules
  • Effects: Injuries to self and family, property damage
  • Remedies: Provide emotional support to victims, call ambulance, take victims to hospital
  1. Theft:
  • Causes: Neglect towards property and wealth
  • Effects: Loss of life and property
  • Remedies: Provide emotional support to victims, call police to report the case.

6. Which different aspects of disaster management would you check for your school? Why?

Answer:-  Main Aspects of Disaster Management:

  1. Preparation: Creating a plan to minimize damage in case of disaster
  2. Redemption: Minimizing damage to society and country
  3. Preparedness: Planning for quick response from public and administration
  4. Impact of Disaster: Reviewing disaster intensity and management
  5. Response: Providing immediate response after an incident occurs
  6. Resurgence: Connection between emergency measures and national progress, includes welfare and rehabilitation steps
  7. Restoration: Connection between measures after disaster and national development, includes steps for progress and rehabilitation.

7. Identify the type of disaster.

a. Terrorism                           b. Soil erosion

c. Hepatitis                             d. Forest fire

e. Famine                                f. Theft

Answer:– a) Terrorism – Man Made

b) Soil Erosion- Man made as well as Natural

c. Hepatitis –Natural                 

d. Forest fire- Forest Fire

e. Famine – Natural as well as man made                               

f. Theft-Man made.

8. Some symbols are given below. Explain those symbols. Which disasters may occur if those symbols are ignored?

Disaster Management symbol


Globally Harmonized system (GHS) adopted by UN for labeling and classifying chemicals includes the following symbols:

(i) Acute toxicity symbol: used for products that cause less severe health effects such as skin and eye irritation, respiratory organ impact, ozone layer damage, and narcotic effects.

(ii) Acute toxicity symbol: indicates deathly effects from small exposure to products through oral, dermal, or inhalation toxicity.

(iii) Aquatic toxicity symbol: used for products hazardous to aquatic life. Can cause fatal and long-lasting effects if spilled in oceans or seas.

(iv) Serious health effects symbol: represents products causing respiratory sensitivity, skin toxicity, germ cell mutagenicity, carcinogenicity, reproductive toxicity, aspiration hazard, and toxicity after single or repeated exposure.

(v) Corrosive symbol: represents products that can corrode metals, cause eye and skin irritation, and severe burns.

(vi) Oxidizing symbol: used for good oxidizing liquids or solids that can cause fire or explosions or intensify fire.

(vii) Flammable symbol: represents flammable gases, liquids, solids, pyrophoric substances, self-reactive substances or mixtures, and organic peroxides that can cause fire on heating.

(viii) Explosive symbol: represents unstable explosive substances or self-reactive substances or mixtures and organic peroxides that can cause explosions on heating.

(ix) Gas under pressure symbol: used for hazards of gases under pressure such as dissolved gas, liquefied gas, compressed gas, or refrigerated liquefied gas that may explode on heating or cause cryogenic burns and injuries.

Que:- Explain that why is it said like that?

A] Mock drill is useful

B] Effective disaster management makes us well prepared for future.

Answer:- A] A mock drill is considered useful because it allows individuals and organizations to practice and assess their readiness in responding to emergency situations. By simulating a real-life scenario, it helps identify areas of improvement and ensures that everyone involved knows what to do in case of an actual emergency.

B] Effective disaster management is important because it helps reduce the impacts of disasters and increases the likelihood of successful recovery. This is achieved through planning, preparedness, and response efforts that help minimize the risk of harm to people, property, and the environment. By being well prepared for future disasters, communities and individuals can better protect themselves and their assets during times of crisis.

10. Complete the following chart.


properties of predisaster management
characteristics of predisaster management

11. Following are the pictures of some disasters. How will be your pre- and post-disaster management in case you face any of those disasters?

Gas leak from LPG cylinder

 There is gas leakage from the LPG cylinder. gas leakage from the LPG cylinder.

 Predisaster Management:- First and foremost, theforemost, the windows and thewindows and the doors will be openeddoors will be opened immediately. Weimmediately. We shall call the gasshall call the gas agency customeragency customer care department forcare department for help. help. The lights andThe lights and the electricalthe electrical equipment will notequipment will not be turned on tobe turned on to avoid the avoid the accidents.accidents.

Post Disaster Management:-  If the gas is already leaked inalready leaked in the house, we shallthe house, we shall move outmove out immediately alongimmediately along with pets if any.with pets if any.

children fighting with each other

Two groups of children are fighting with each other. 

Predisaster Management:- We will try to sort out the problemout the problem between the twobetween the two groups. If groups. If that is notthat is not possible, will call thepossible, will call the elders or teachers. Ifelders or teachers. If the fight is amongthe fight is among the elders thenthe elders then police should bepolice should be called.called.

Post Disaster Management:-  If the fight is taking place, wetaking place, we shall try to separateshall try to separate the two. We the two. We shallshall check-up if anyonecheck-up if anyone is injured. If injured,is injured. If injured, we shall give himwe shall give him first aid. first aid. We willWe will also counsel themalso counsel them that they should notthat they should not fight like this.fight like this.

heavy downpour due to cloud bursting which has led to waterlogging in the town

There is heavy downpour due to cloud bursting which has led to waterlogging in the town.

Predisaster Management:-  If the warning of the heavy rains isthe heavy rains is broadcast thenbroadcast then people staying people staying in lowin low lying areas shouldlying areas should be taken to the safebe taken to the safe places. Schools andplaces. Schools and colleges colleges are keptare kept closed. If suchclosed. If such students or young students or young children arechildren are stranded anywhere,stranded anywhere, they should be they should be helped to reach theirhelped to reach their destinations beforedestinations before the rain starts. the rain starts.

Post Disaster Management:-  By heavy rains, the transportationthe transportation comes to halt. Thecomes to halt. The water enters water enters thethe houses in low lyinghouses in low lying areas. We shallareas. We shall help the people tohelp the people to deal with thisdeal with this disaster. Help candisaster. Help can be given forbe given for draining the water.draining the water. Municipal bodiesMunicipal bodies open the open the stormstormwater drains in suchwater drains in such cases. With thecases. With the help of elders, wehelp of elders, we shall spread shall spread thethe message of warningmessage of warning in such places. Wein such places. We will not play in thewill not play in the clogged water, clogged water, butbut will help the peoplewill help the people who are in need.who are in need.

cyclone causing a tornado

 There is cyclone causing a tornado. (Commonly called a twister)cyclone causing a tornado. (Commonly called a twister)

Predisaster Management:- The warning of cyclonic tornado iscyclonic tornado is given much beforegiven much before its approach its approach due todue tomodern techniquesmodern techniques used atused at MeteorologicalMeteorological department. Thedepartment. The consequences consequences ofof such event will besuch event will be disastrous so as fardisastrous so as far as possible we shallas possible we shall not go out of not go out of If house is not inIf house is not in proper condition,proper condition, then shelter is to bethen shelter is to be taken in taken in any safeany safe

PostDisaster Management:- We shall help the people who are inpeople who are in need.